ICON recognises that our work may have an impact on our environment. We are committed to reducing any harmful effects on the environment and promoting the understanding of sustainability in its broadest context. Being ecological is part of our working lives and has been part of ICON's culture for over many years.
Here are some of the initiatives ICON has made to reduce its impact on the environment.
Paperless office
ICON follows a paperless office policy. Documents and faxes are circulated, read and managed electronically (we don't own a photocopier). This not only improves our communication processes but also reduces our environmental impact.
Electronic literature
We continue our paperless office policy into our marketing processes and only use electronic media.
Re-usable packaging
We re-use all packaging. When we send goods out we do so using boxes and packaging in which goods have been received by us.
Recycling policy
All plastic bottles, cans, cardboard, and paper (sensitive correspondence is shredded) is sent to our local recycling depot. As a service to our resellers we offer to dispose of handsets and batteries.
Home working
All our account managers and other non-office essential staff have been provided with home office communications and IT resources. This allows them to work from home whenever possible and thereby reduce their personnel carbon footprint.
Web assistance
We deliver support using web assistance avoiding the need for travel as well as improving our service response.
Phone and Video conferencing
We make extensive use of phone and video conferencing using multiparty conferencing to avoid travel by our staff, partners and customers.